Dubstep Rises Sound Effects
These rises are truly ALIBI originals. Wobbly bass combines with skittish synths for rise fx that are right at home in sci-fi trailers or futuristic, dystopian promos. There is an otherworldly, slightly mechanical feel to these, like you're being taken into a Transformers movie or jumping universes in Everything Everywhere All At Once. These unique SFX start-stop, turn sideways, electro-glitch-out, wobble and ramp their way upwards, making them super useful for sci-fi transitions of any kind or for exaggerating digital motion. Let your imagination go crazy with these: ask yourself, "what does it sound like when the Ghostbusters 'neutrona wand' sucks a ghost into the energy holding pack? The answer is one of these Dubstep Rises. Track through all 30 and te