Sweet Talk

Sweet Talk

Full w Melody Strings

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Sweet Talk Full w Melody Strings
108 BPM
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Track Details:

  • Filename

    ALIBI-Sweet Talk_Full w Melody Strings

  • Writer/Publisher

    Lyndn Gauntlett (PRS) 100% / Alibots (BMI)

  • Style


  • Mood

    Intriguing Quirky Sneaky

  • Mix

    Instrumental Mix, Full

  • Release Year


  • BPM


  • Key


  • Category

    Comedy, Reality TV / Docudrama

  • Subcategory

    Americana, Documentary, Drama, Drama Underscore, Light / Quirky, Quirky, Underscores


Country Pizzicato Underscores Country Drama Mystery Quirky Modern Comedy Reality Tv / Docudrama Americana Documentary Drama Underscore Inquisitive Light / Quirky Cymbal Perc Percussion Wood Sticks Minimal Slow Soft Cello Intriguing Quirky Sneaky Pizzicato
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