Gift of Life

Gift of Life

Full w Horns

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Gift of Life Full w Horns
95 BPM
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Track Details:

  • Filename

    ALIBI-Gift of Life_Full w Horns

  • Writer/Publisher

    Evan Wise (ASCAP) 100% / Alibi Generator (ASCAP)

  • Style


  • Mood

    Elegant Peaceful Poignant

  • Mix

    Instrumental Mix, Full

  • Release Year


  • BPM


  • Key

    E flat

  • Category

    Contemporary Music, Reality TV / Docudrama, Trailers / Promos

  • Subcategory

    Americana, Cinematic, Country / Americana, Documentary, Poignant, Science, Travel, Underscores


Pastoral underscores poignant peaceful building slow soft emotive soothing emotional poignant brooding peaceful historical religious cinematic tender euphoric piano strings woodwinds horns Poignant peaceful emotive soothing Brooding Euphoric Reality TV / Docudrama Documentary Science Travel Underscores elegant Trailers / Promos Americana Contemporary Music Country / Americana Wistful Melancholy Melancholic Contemplative
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