Volcanic Cutlass

Volcanic Cutlass

With Guitars

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Volcanic Cutlass With Guitars
145 BPM
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Track Details:

  • Filename

    ALIBI-Volcanic Cutlass_With Guitars

  • Writer/Publisher

    Mark Nolan (ASCAP) 100% / Alibi Generator (ASCAP)

  • Style


  • Mood

    Confident Cool Happy Swaggering Upbeat

  • Mix

    Instrumental Mix, Full

  • Release Year


  • BPM


  • Key

    G flatm

  • Category

    Advertising, Comedy, Contemporary Music, E-Sports, Sports

  • Subcategory

    Confident, Cool, Happy, Indie, Rock, Sports


Indie Rock Garage Rock Modern upbeat distorted electric guitar drums bass cool confident bluesy blues swinging swagger confident happy advertising Happy Upbeat Cool Swag Confident Rock Blues Indie Advertising Advertising Comedy Contemporary Music Sports Confident Cool Indie Rock swaggering E-Sports
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