Going South

Going South

Full w Lyrical Vox

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Going South Full w Lyrical Vox
Hip Hop Grime
146 BPM
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Track Details:

  • Filename

    ALIBI-Going South_Full w Lyrical Vox

  • Writer/Publisher

    Paul Ortiz (PRS) 100% / Alibi Generator (ASCAP)

  • Style

    Hip Hop

  • Mood

    Aggressive Angry Confident Cool Dark Tense

  • Mix

    Vocal Mix, Full

  • Release Year


  • BPM


  • Key

    G flatm

  • Category

    Advertising, Contemporary Music, Songs, Trailers / Promos

  • Subcategory

    Confident, Cool, Drama, Electronic, Hip Hop, Indie, Pop, Rock, Songs, Songs For Ads


Grime urban UK hip hop dubstep electronic modern dark aggressive angry brooding ominous tense driving grimy sinister rap rapper gangster menacing bass drums beats percussion synths lyrical lyrics going south advertising Dark Aggressive Brooding Electronic Hip Hop Advertising Dubstep Advertising Contemporary Music Drums Songs Confident Electronic Electronic / EDM Hip Hop Songs Songs for Ads Drama Rock Trailers / Promos Cool Indie Pop
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